UPDATE -CAI Injunction Effort Denied
Corporate Transparency Act
Injunction Sought for Condos and HOAs
This is an update to the post (below) regarding an injunction sought by the Community Associations Institute (“CAI”) to temporarily prevent the application of the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) to condominiums and HOAs.
CAI seeks injunction against application of Corporate Transparency Act to Condos and HOAs: On September 10, 2024, the Community Associations Institute (“CAI”) filed a lawsuit against the Department of the Treasury challenging the applicability of the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) beneficial owner filing requirements to community associations. The CAI is seeking, among other things, a temporary injunction to prevent the Treasury Department from applying the CTA to associations pending the resolution of its lawsuit. The most-compelling CAI argument is that community associations are nonprofit organizations under Section 528 of the IRS Code and should therefore be exempt from the CTA’s reporting requirements. The deadline for compliance with the CTA is January 1, 2025. There are steep penalties for non-compliance with the CTA, which include fines of $500 per day (up to $10,000) and possible criminal charges.
Click Here for link for CAI Article with general overview of lawsuit. Contact us for additional information regarding the corporate transparency act and it’s application to condos and HOAs.
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