Maryland and Washington DC Condo and HOA Law Attorneys – Advancing Community Association Interests


Cowie Law Group - Maryland and Washington DC condo and HOA law attorneys


Washington DC Condo Attorneys

Maryland Condo Attorneys

Maryland HOA Attorneys

Informational Packet

Cowie Law Group, P.C. represents community associations. All of our attorneys regularly provide legal advice and legal representation to condominium and homeowners associations, which make up a large bulk of our clients.

Our Maryland and Washington DC condo and HOA law attorneys are actively involved in the advancement of community association interests. Nicholas D. Cowie advocates before the Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis to promote the enactment of legislation that protects the interests of condominium and homeowners associations.

Mr. Cowie drafted several pieces of legislation incorporated into the Maryland Condominium and HOA Acts that extend condominium and HOA warranty periods, protect the legal claims of associations and their members from unconscionable waiver provisions, and clarify what can be deemed a “common element” and a “unit.” Mr. Cowie regularly testifies, and organizes others to testify, before the Maryland Senate and House of Delegates, including in support of the law that now requires developers to turn over architectural drawings, financial records and other important documents and assets to condominium and homeowners associations no later than 30 days following transition from developer control. Mr. Cowie’s legal work before the Courts of Maryland has also resulted in the legal precedent that establishes the broad boundaries of the authority of a council of unit owners in Maryland to pursue legal matters affecting a condominium.

Let us know how the Maryland condo and HOA attorneys and Washington DC condo lawyers at Cowie Law Group, P.C. can advance the interests of your community!

Cowie Law Group, P.C. represents community associations throughout Maryland and the District of Columbia. Below is a list of some of the services our firm can provide your community association:

  •   Legal advice and opinions regarding:

o Architectural controlo Assessments
o Budgets
o Declaration & By-Law interpretation and compliance
o Easements
o Governance (meetings, voting, proxies, resolutions, etc.) o Insurance matters
o Liability
o Maintenance, Repairs, and Replacements
o Rules promulgation & enforcement
o Statutory
o Resale disclosures
o Developer turnover / transition
o Unit/ Lot owner disputes

  •   Construction defect warranty matters
  •   Amendment of governing documents
  •   Collection of delinquent assessments
  •   Contract review, negotiation, & drafting
  •   Lien and foreclosure proceedings
  •   Litigation (prosecution & defense) of contract disputes, liability claims, property disputes, etc.

Cowie Law Group, P.C. is a law firm that seeks to advance the interests of community associations. Among other on-going legislative activities, Partner Nicholas Cowie drafted legislation, signed into law by Governor Larry Hogan that protects the rights of condominium purchasers in Maryland (see photo below).

Cowie Law Group, P.C. - Maryland and Washington DC Condo and HOA Law Attorneys - Advancing Community Association Interests

Bill Signing Ceremony for House Bill 77 and Senate Bill 258

Back Row (left to right): Nicholas D. Cowie and Delegate Marvin Holmes

Front Row (left to right): Deputy Senate President Katherine Klausmeyer; Governor Lawrence J. Hogan; Speaker of the House of Delegates Michael E. Busch

Cowie Law Group, P.C. - Maryland and Washington DC Condo and HOA Law Attorneys - Advancing Community Association Interests


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MD/DC Condo & HOA Law Website

410-327-3800 | 202-670-6289 | 301-830-8315

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